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我有一个奶娃  她很萌萌哒  从今天起,做一个全职奶爸  挣钱,宠娃,给娃追回妈  我也是一个戏精  心中有牵挂  不管啥时候  演戏,写(chao)书,养活一大家 奶爸戏精

剑乃兵器之首,修炼顶峰,可破天下,万者至尊!灵气大陆的凋零,无数的强者时代已经成为过去!但剑术依然被人们敬仰,林辰因为一场意外,获得随身灵剑!至此之后,少年激活神秘体质,手握神剑!所到之处,众生皆恐!与其为敌!那便是不自量力!神剑一出,唯我独尊!!“恢复灵气大陆往日的宏光,我义不容辞!”新书《极武神王》上线。 无上剑主

齐楚安:“林医生,我叫齐楚安。上次被你拒绝加微信的那个齐楚安 下一次不要再假装不认识我了好吗” 齐楚安:“林医生,我喜欢你 。这一点你是知道的吧,所以不要再假装看不见我的心意了好不好,我会受伤的。”林舒华:“我想去一线支援,你同意吗?” 齐楚安:“舒舒,做你自己想做的事,这是你的自由,不需要我的同意,但是去之前先做我的齐太太好不好?” 林舒华:“我总觉得我像是被齐楚安坑蒙拐骗的无知少女??!” 齐楚安:“不好意思,林医生以后归我了” 心有所属

钟葵是世界上最悲惨的女猪脚,没有之一。活了十八年,自以为是老炮儿,可是身体还是纯洁的白莲花。死了下地府,耻辱的被打上了处女鬼的标签,excuse me?同居神秘男居然还是自己的老师兼监护人,这什么神展开?一路上倒是遇到了不少奇奇怪怪的……好不容易进了地府大学,以好(标)手(准)好(太)脚(低)的外貌成了校花。什么校花,我看是笑话吧!要问处女鬼最期待的是什么?当然是一段惊天地泣鬼神的情缘啦!可是这是地府唉,难道不会是一段恶鬼情缘么?校花和恶鬼同居了,所以,这是一段跨越千年的老少配?反正到了地府,怎么开心怎么来吧,谁教我是女猪脚呢。... 我在地府当校花

Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who am I? If you don’t know me, you can go to the hospital! Yes! I am the superkid ——008!Everyone know about me ,because I saved princess long long ago ,when I was teenager ,when I listened to Jay’s songs ……when I was handsome !……“Oh! What should I do? I’m so boring now! My dear dog, can you tell me?” I said to my dog, but my dog did nothing. It was eating its lunch.“Oh! My dog! I gave you a name called ‘Tomato ',because you are red .But your brain is a real tomato ——have nothing in it !”I said. But something different was happened suddenly! My foolish dog began to talk with me!“No! 008!I’m a superdog. Before I met you, I lived above the sky! Then a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN told me that I should give you a mission when you have 7stars on you feet.” I raise my smelly feet and discovered there were 7black points on my smelly feet. “It is the time to tell you the truth! You have to saved princess in Dark Castle immediately. It’s your mission. And I’ll help you, I can change in anything I like!” Soon my dog became a potato .I knew ,I must trust it at that time ——It’s a super dog ! ——I have a super dog !Then my dear dog Tomato told me that when I went to Dark Castle .I‘ll met a lot of monsters. And I must win them .At last, saved the BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. And if I can do it I‘ll have something surprising and exciting.So I went to Dark Castle with my Tomato .And Tomato gave me a sword ,a shield and a pair of flying shoes.(I don’t know what shall I say now ,but I know something will be interesting next !I promise! I believe! So let’s read this interesting story together .To see what will happen next? And what about the dog, Tomato?! Next, we’ll tell you something about THE DRAGON AND 008!) By Ada TheAdventuresOfSuperkid

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