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《后宫升职手记》第963章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《后宫升职手记第963章》,请您 ,免费阅读后宫升职手记完整版第963章全文。

被创世之神钦定为拯救世界的勇士后,程书雪来到灵气枯竭的世界,加入神女宗,准备执行吸收混沌瘴气,制止灵气枯竭的任务。 可是,这不靠谱的创世之神答应派来的帮手小尾巴迟到了整整一年。 不靠谱的小尾巴开启金手... 宗主大人放弃吧我是不会娶你的

“The future belongs to those who see the possibilities before they become obvious… This is the most exciting time ever to be part of the business world.”Throughout history, there are some events that stand out as so groundbreaking that they completely change life as we know it. The Apollo moon landing of 1961 was one of those events—the invention of the Apple personal computer was another. In this book, John Sculley—former CEO of both Pepsi and Apple—claims we are in an era that is giving birth to numerous groundbreaking events and inventions—moonshots—that will change the way we live and work for generations to come. Moonshot

【谨以此文致我的朋友kindred,和她毕业作品防腐剂加多了的香水】 因为某场变故,调香师肖重云退出香水界,在二线城市开了家小香水店。时间是把杀猪刀,当年的风流倜傥俊青年渐渐向颓废大叔(?)靠拢。就在这时,他遇到了当初的崇拜者……因为有同志反映上篇文微虐,因此此文设定轻小说治愈风XD谢谢封面制作的脱脂(?)可乐童鞋最近晋江在说字体问题,不是很懂,祭出三年前BS上花三十块钱买的定制印刷封面 浮生香水店

光小雨一直以为师兄是个意志消沉的凡人,直到有一天,他养的那头牛一脚崩死了一大片神王。那只黑狗张口吐出一道剑气,挡住了数以百万的妖族。每天叽叽歪歪叫着的土鸡,竟然是太古凤凰的后裔!啊啊啊!世界观崩塌啦!紫姬:“师姐,大事不好啦!妖帝带着几百万妖族大杀过来了。”光小雨:“哦,才几百万啊?”(这是魔帝重生,是冥界之女转世,呼吁大家一定要爱护小动物的故事!)... 玄幻我的师兄实在太妖孽了

穿成高冷相爷的黑月光 穿成反派权臣的黑月光

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