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哲学也可修仙,刀兵?蛮夷的伎俩! 半纸记荒唐人间,半纸写众生相繁多。 贪嗔痴慢疑?碍吾仙游的桎梏! 且看,且听… 且行… 书海一蠧

全真虚拟游戏《命运》,洛林加入这个游戏的目的只是为了玩的开心就好,并不想卷入什么麻烦事,可是为何?他左手抱着懂事的人鱼萝莉,右手提着调皮的巨龙萝莉,背后还跟着沉默的幽灵萝莉,在游戏里沦为奶爸?有日... 在游戏世界成为几只萝莉的奶爸

他是来历不明的孤儿,却只能遁入空门,常伴佛前; 他是与世无争的僧人,却被突如其来的剧变卷入黄泉。 他失去了前世的记忆,只能重新修行; 他身负感化苍生之志,只能不断成长。 修行之路劫难多,成佛之路不平坦。赴地狱,上穹宵,徘徊六道之内,鏖战十界之中!百般磨难,千番修行,最终却发现自己早已被卷入到天地浩劫之中…… 一念成魔

这是一个关于励志少年奋斗的故事这也是一个重生者崛起的故事在这光怪陆离的社会里谁是弱者 谁又是强者在爱情 亲情 友情的迷宫里少年又该如何抉择每个成功之人背后必有一段坎坷任时光见证 任云卷云舒我始终坚持自己的信仰 传奇

It's the end of the summer, which means one thing: Color War time! Color War is the event of the summer, a massive camp-wide competition. The camp is divided into two teams, Blue and White, with upper campers vying for the envied spot of lieutenant, a team leader position.Jenny assumes she's got lieutenant in the bag, being a “popular girl” and all. And Play Dough sure hopes he does too—members of his family have been White team lieutenants for generations! But when assignments are announced, both are in for a surprise.Play Dough's a lieutenant all right—for the enemy Blue team—and Jenny isn't lieutenant at all. So who is? Jamie, Jenny's sidekick. With the entire camp amping up for an all-out war, can Jenny and Play Dough overcome expectations and lead their teams to victory? Breakout(CampRollingHills#3)

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