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名侦探柯南GS向同人文。线索大体上依照原著进行,时间点是从漫画故事开端的五年前开始,到Sherry脱离组织那天结束。刚刚回到日本加入组织的宫野志保,正在做卧底的诸星大(赤井秀一),正在热恋中也默默守护志保的明美,比起现在更加有人味的Gin,稍微提及到的Bourbon,来日本溜达的Vermouth以及其他组织成员…… 彼岸人非

Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. called the Cuban Missile crisis, \"the most dangerous moment in human history.\" Bruce Allyn was five years old when it happened but in 1989 would organize and participate in a Moscow meeting with the key living members of the 1962 crisis: Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, the former U.S. Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, and Sergei Khrushchev, who had edited the secret memoirs of his father, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. The United States was represented at the meeting by former U.S. Defense Secretary Bob McNamara, former National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and former Kennedy Special Counsel Ted Sorensen. Fidel Castro sent his top Politburo member and a key Army General to the Moscow meeting and he then personally hosted the fascinating final dialogue in Havana. THEEDGEOFARMAGEDDON

其实我会爱上他,在所有人看来都是必然的。他经常对我说甜言蜜语,我是记不清他说的那些话了,唯一让我记得深刻的不过年少时那句:阿浅,睡吧,等睡醒了,你就到家了。 ——白浅 其实对于我和我妻子白浅之间的事,我们在一起了并没有什么坎坷。对此,我对诸位只能说一句,在抱得美人归这件事上,跟情敌是不是天族太子没有劳什子关系。哪怕他一度抱得美人,还与美人有一个孩子。 ——君陌 [三生三世]君从陌上浅

《疾病身体信号自查自疗手册》,本书在追求内容丰富、信息量大、知识科学准确的同时,为了方便中老年读者和长期用眼导致视力疲劳的读者阅读,我们特别采用了“大字号”这一特殊的形式,以期带来轻松的阅读感觉。希望我们的努力可以从“放松眼睛”开始,为各位读者带来不一样的健康阅读体验。 疾病身体信号自查自疗手册

谢冥,一个书呆子学霸,韩究,一个万人迷校霸 这题也不会

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