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《云阅读周刊》是网易云阅读产品上的自媒体作者或资讯网站的精彩文章合集。 云阅读周刊·第07期

七皇子回来第一天,就光明正大带了一个男人去客栈。这关于七皇子有特殊癖好的传言还没断,就又见这位爷流连青楼好不快哉。七皇子:你们不懂我的快乐。 别碰我的摄政王

FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White is summoned when another body is found dead in a self storage unit. There at first appears to be no connection between the cases; yet as Mackenzie digs deeper, she realizes it is the work of a serial killer—and that he will soon strike again.Mackenzie will be forced to enter the mind of a madman as she tries to understand a psyche obsessed with clutter, storage, and claustrophobic places. It is a dark place from which she fears she may not return—and yet one which she must probe if she has any chance of winning the game of cat and mouse that can save new victims.Even then, it may be too late. BeforeHeLongs

名满长安,人如芝兰玉树的宋谢临第一次遇见何朝歌的时候是在十七岁那年。那时的他在马车上,掀开蜀锦云纹帘时正好遇到同友人交谈的她,只觉得那人可真好看。第二次相遇是花灯会上,她正陪一个少年有说有笑,身旁的的刘爹爹却暧昧的朝那人扫了好几眼。第三次是自家堂哥的院子里,他看见堂哥在亲吻她,那人也温柔的将表哥搂在了怀中。第四次,他咬牙用了一百两包了她半月。第五次相见,她成了新找回来的七皇女,而他正隔着满天银光朝人对视。注!女非处!!!而且自带雷点,点进去时需要三思。 女尊之天作之合

我有一剑 佛相法道

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